FROM Augsburg (Bavaria, Germany)
worked and lived
in India, Australia, New Zealand
in Salzburg (Austria), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Warsaw (Poland)
STAYED In Bangalore (India), Veracruz (México), Perú and New Zealand
currently living
back to Mannheim, and nationally and internationally conecting
Literary Editor / Author / Dramaturgy, Buchakademie Berlin (2023)
Applied Theatre, Master of Arts, Mozarteum Sazburg Thomas-Bernhard Institut (2022)
Educator of Movement & Yoga 200TH, Kiekari Terra Mexico Veracruz (2020)
Theatre Pedagogue BuT, Theaterwerkstatt Heidelberg (2019)
Psychology, Bachelor of Science, University Salzburg (2018)
Work Experience
Landestheater Coburg (2022/2023)
PlanB!, Freies Musiktheaterkollektiv (2022)
Klang 21, Taschenopernfestival Salzburg (2021)
Junges Volkstheater Wien, Bürgerbühne (2019)
Junges Nationaltheater Mannheim (2018/2019)
Münchner Kammerspiele, Ostercamp (2019)
IKUMU e.V., nowHEREland Heidelberg (2018/2019)
Landestheater Salzburg (2018)